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2. Klein distinguishes between envy, jealousy and greed, which may be confused in everyday usage. Envy is rooted in a 2 person relationship, and stimulates the impulse to take away and spoil the possession of the other. As Hanna Segal writes “envy is a two-part relation in which the subject envies the object for some possession or quality: no other live object need enter into it.” (1964, p27)

Klein区分了嫉羡、嫉妒和贪婪,这些功能在日常生活中很容易混淆。嫉羡根植于两人关系,刺激着想要夺走和破坏别人的所有物的冲动。如同Hannal Segel写的“嫉羡是两部分的关系,在这个关系里主体嫉羡客体的所有物或品质:没有其他生命体能够进入。”(1964年,27页)

Segal writes that “jealousy is necessarily a whole object relationship, envy is essentially experienced in terms of part objects, though it persists into whole object relationships” (1964, p27)


Jealousy involves a three person relationship: jealousy is based on love and aims at the possession of the love object and the removal of the rival.  “jealousy is based on envy, but involves a relation to at least two people, it is mainly concerned with love, that the subject feels is his due, and has been taken away, or is in danger of being taken away, from him by his rival,” (Klein 1957, 181)


Greed is compared with envy.  Klein writes “ An impetuous and insatiable craving, exceeding what the subject needs and what the object is willing and able to give. At the Unconscious (Ucs ) level, greed aims primarily at completely scoping out, sucking dry and devouring the breast; that is to say its aim is destructive introjection ; whereas envy not only seeks to rob in this way but also to put badness , primarily bad excrements and bad parts of the self into the mother, and first of all into her breast ,to spoil and destroy her….One essential difference between greed and envy, although no rigid dividing line can be drawn since they are so closely associated, would accordingly be that greed is mainly bound up with introjection and envy with projection” ( Klein 1957, 181)





So , to repeat, Greed aims at the possession of all the goodness that can be extracted from the object, regardless of consequences; this may result in the destruction of the object of the spoiling of its goodness, but in this case, the destruction is incidental to the ruthless acquisition.


Envy aims at being as good as the object, but when this is felt is impossible, it aims at spoiling the goodness of the object to remove the source of envious feelings. It is this spoiling aspect of envy that is so destructive to development, since the very source of goodness that the infant depends on is turned bad, and good introjections therefore cannot be achieved.


Segal writes : Envy though arising from primitive love and admiration has a less strong libidinal component than greed and is suffused with the death instinct. As it attacks the source of life, it may be considered to be the earliest direct externalisation of the death instinct.

Segal 写到:嫉羡从原始的爱与钦佩发生,比贪婪少一些力比多的成分,弥漫着死本能。当它攻击生命的源泉时,它可以被认为是死本能最早的直接外化。

Envy stirs as soon as the infant becomes aware of the breast as a source of life and good experience; the real gratification which he experienced at the breast, reinforced by idealisation, so powerful in early infancy, makes him feel that the breast is the source of all comforts (physical and mental) an inexhaustible reservoir of food and warmth, love, understanding and wisdom.


The blissful experience of satisfaction which this wonderful object can give,  will increase his love and his desire to possess, preserve  and protect it, but the same experienced stirs in him also the wish to be himself  the source of such perfection; he experiences painful feelings of envy which carry with them the desire to spoil the qualities of the object which can give him such painful feelings.(Segal, page 27-28)


One essential difference between greed and envy, although no rigid dividing line can be drawn since there are so closely associated, would accordingly be that greed is mainly bound up with introjection and envy with projection” ( Klein 1957, 181)


As has been pointed out by, amongst other authors, Elizabeth Spillius, the terms envy and jealousy often overlap, vary in meaning and have a “large penumbra of associations”. The well-known quote from Shakespeare’s Othello, being a good example.

就认同曾经被指出的那样,在其他许多作者中,Elizabeth Spillius认为嫉羡和妒忌这两个术语常常重叠,意义上不同,有“联系上很大的模糊之处”。引用于Shakespear的奥赛罗,是个好例子。

Envy, jealousy and greed are frequently found in close association . Greedy acquisition, for example, can be a defence against being aware of envy of those who have, or are, what one wishes for oneself. Where envy is strong, jealousy is bound to become stronger and more difficult to overcome.


3. Psychic consequences of envy.


Here we can describe at least seven psychic consequences.


3.1 Interference with primal splitting


The immediate result of an envious spoiling of the good breast is that the essential primal splitting into good and bad is interfered with. The spoiled good object cannot be introjected in a proper sustaining way. The damage caused to the breast by the envy, is also an ucs source of premature guilt, which is then felt in a paranoid way as an external and an internal threat


3.2 Problems with learning, and

3.3 Confusional states


Klein lays particular emphasis on the fact that envy leads to psychic attacks on the goodness of the object, which if unchecked, lead to great difficulty in taking in and learning. As envy leads to attacks on the goodness of the object, it is likely to result in confusion between the object’s goodness and badness which impairs processes of differentiation and of the development of rational thought. Mild manifestations of the confusion caused by envy may be indecision and muddled thinking. Severe state of confusion caused by envy are characteristic of psychotic states as Rosenfeld was later to show. Confusion in a different sense, between internal  and external world, and between self and other, occurs as the result of strong projective identifications in an envious individual.

Klein 强调了那些嫉羡导致对客体“好”(好的部分)的攻击的事实,这些如果没有被检测,会导致吸收和学习的严重困难。因为嫉羡导致对客体”好”的攻击,会导致客体好与恶之间的混淆,这会损害分化的过程以及理性思考发展的过程。嫉羡导致的轻微混乱困难是优柔寡断和糊涂思维。嫉羡导致的严重混淆是Rosenfeld后面提到的精神病状态的特点。

Furthermore, the confusion between the object goodness and badness impairs processes of differentiation and introjection. Curiosity is suffused with hostility and thus felt to be dangerous. All this impairs the capacity for thinking and learning.


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